NW-HR-100 0325
Intro to Scent Hurdle Racing
Available spots
Service Description
This class will teach you about the fun sport of scent hurdle racing. Using Positive reinforcement and food rewards you and your dog will learn about jumping hurdles, scenting and retrieving a dumbbell. Although there are no pre-requisites required for this class this sport in not a good fit for reactive or dog aggressive canines.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
An administration fee of $20 will be applied to booking cancellations/refunds before class start date. After the first class, a refund of $100 or a $120 credit to another class MAY be offered with a good reason or a veterinarian’s note(not guaranteed). It is up to the training committee to offer such. After two or more classes, there will be NO refunds or credits available.
Contact Details
2017 Alberta Avenue, Saskatoon, SK, Canada