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Meet the Judges

Gloria Kerr

Gloria Kerr has bred and titled numerous conformation champions under the name of Krishna Kennels. Several famous USA Golden Kennels are founded on her Krishna dogs. She has bred many champions in Golden Retrievers, Akitas, Pembroke Welsh Corgis and Chinese Crested. Many of these dogs have attained Best In Show and Best In Specialty wins.
Gloria became an AKC licensed professional handler in 1974 and has handled, finished, and specialized dogs in every AKC group.
In 2000 she became an AKC licensed judge and is now approved for the Sporting Group, Herding Group, Terrier Group, Toy Group, Non-Sporting Group, several breeds in the Hound and Working Groups, Junior Showmanship, and Best In Show.
She has judged throughout the world in Australia, New Zealand, Korea, Indonesia, Taiwan, China, Canada, Sweden, Columbia, Japan, Germany, Argentina and Brazil, including the Golden Retriever National Specialties in the USA, Korea and Canada, the Chinese Crested National Specialty, the Akita National Specialty and the Brittany National Specialty in the USA.

Darryl Vice

I started breeding dogs in the early ’70s, but settled into Miniature Pinschers and Brussels Griffons in the late ’70s. I bred many champions in both breeds with little breeding each year. I showed my own dogs and helped a few friends a long the way. I also had Working breeds through the years. I have owned Great Danes, Giant Schnauzers and Bullmastiffs. I now have my second Kerry Blue Terrier. I started judging in 1994, and have judged in many other countries as well as all over the US. I have judged both of my breeds National Specialty twice. I have been privileged to judge many other breed specialties through the years. I always feel it’s such an honour to be asked to judge any breed specialty. I truly love to judge and enjoy every one of my assignments.

I have been married for 36 years and have a one wonderful daughter and one perfect 15-yearold granddaughter. I have belonged to many dogs clubs through the years, but now I am Vice- President of the Kennel Club of Palm Springs. I also belong to Orange Empire Dog Club and the American Brussels Griffon Association. I am very active in our Kennel Club of Palm Springs. We put on one of the largest and most beautiful dog shows in the United States, with entries of well over 3,000 dogs each day

Linda Scanlon

Though there were always dogs in the family while growing up, Linda began exhibiting in conformation in 1962 with Australian Terriers and bred/owned/handled the first triple titled Aussie (conformation, obedience, earth dog) in America.

Salukis entered her life in 1972 and have been her passion ever since.  From a small breeding program there have been multiple champions in the ring and field including specialty winners, dual champions, tracking and obedience titled dogs.  Linda was the first person to earn the Utility Dog (UD) title on a saluki – the top obedience achievement at the time, and also earned the UD title on a second saluki who distinguished himself by winning multiple all breed highs in trial, hound groups and bests in field, always owner handled.  Both also earned many titles including the first UDs in Canada as well.

Linda is approved to judge Best in Show, Hound and Herding Groups, Australian Terriers, all levels of Obedience and Rally, Lure Coursing and Junior Showmanship. She is the only judge fully approved for this combination of events.

She has judged multiple specialties including having been twice selected by her peers to judge conformation at the Saluki Club of America specialty.  Out of country assignments include Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, England, Germany, Finland, New Zealand, and Sweden.

Linda’s other passions include her husband of many years, her grown sons, international travel, and opera.

Brian Meyer

I have been in dogs my entire life.  My parents were breeding Boxers before I was born, and continued to breed until the late 1980's.  I showed my first dog when I was 10.  I chose a career as a professional handler, and was a professional handler for 31 years.  I retired from handling in 199 to become a judge

I have an extensive background in the following breeds:

Briards, Bouviers, Rottweilers, Boxers, Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers, Miniature Schnauzers, West Highland White Terriers, Rhodesian Ridgebacks.  We showed a lot of these breeds as handlers, and bred Soft Coated Wheatens for 30 years.

Cindy Meyer

My parents began showing and breeding German Shepherds in 1956.  I showed my first dog when I was 13, and chose to have a career as a professional handler.  I was a professional handler for 31 years.  I retired from handling in 1999 to become a judge.

I have an extensive background in the following breeds:

Briards, Bouviers, Rottweilers, Boxers, Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers, Miniature Schnauzers, West Highland White Terriers, Rhodesian Ridgebacks.  We showed a lot of these breeds as handlers, and bred Soft Coated Wheatens for 30 years.

Sandra Lex

Miss Sandra M. Lex of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, began in Affenpinschers with the help of Affenpinscher breeder Jerome Cushman of Hilanes kennels. Her first Affenpinscher became ranked the #2 Toy dog in Canada, a feat that was not easily attainable for a rare breed.  Ms. Lex’s first litter produced two Best in Show winning dogs, with one of those pups going on to become the #2 Toy and #11 all-breed dog of the year.  That dog produced four UK champions and Best of Winners at the US National Specialty. Ms. Lex’s small breeding program had produced many National Specialty winners, including two Best of Opposite Sex awards, two Winners Bitch, Winners Dog, Best Veteran twice, and two Awards of Merit.  

An active club member Ms. Lex has held several positions in all-breed and judge clubs, including President, Secretary, Show Secretary, and this year’s Show Chair for the Affenpinscher National in Syracuse, NY. She is approved to judge Sporting Toy and Non-Sporting Groups, several Terrier breeds, Junior Showmanship, and Best in Show. This is her first assignment at Westminster.

Tami Marks

In 1993, she purchased a black Labrador named Shadow from a backyard breeder. At the time, she knew nothing about purebred dogs or the fancy she had yet to experience. Shadow and her competed in the United Kennel Club, earning her Utility Title. That was that – she was hooked. She purchased Desi, my first purebred Labrador, in 1998. They went to obtain her OTCH and Championship. Not long after that, the CKC introduced Rally and they started that too.

Since then, she has proudly bred many dogs under the Shadesi prefix who have earned their Championship, Grand Championship, Field Titles, Obedience Titles, and Rally Titles. She has been instructing Obedience classes for years now and has watched (and cheered) as her students have excelled in both Obedience and Rally Obedience. In continuing her love for the sport, she decided to become a Rally Judge.  She judges for both the United Kennel Club and the Canadian Kennel Club.  Nothing brings her more joy than giving back to the sport she loves and watching participants succeed with their dog(s).


Susan Des Cotes

In 1969 she trained and showed her first dog(Samoyed).  She then fell in love with shelties and have owned them since 1979.  Her first four shelties earned four O.T.Ch and a Ch. & O.T.Ch on her third sheltie.  She loves behavior work with dogs and have had the pleasure to work with thousands of dogs in her training classes.  Currently, she has he own training hall on her country property and offers small classes for all breeds.  The sire of her first sheltie herded horses and now has come full circle as she currently owns 2 quarter horses and a mini horse.  She barrel races and has won 4 buckles and is still showing her horse.  Whether it be a dog that is acting up or a horse that won't load in a trailer, she loves working with behavior issues.  She is very enamored with blue merle shelties and finished her boy, Ch. Surona Stardust, and is now working with his daughter and great grand-daughter who are also blue merle shelties.


David Gilmour

Biography coming soon...

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