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Writer's pictureDeborah Zacharias

Getting to know Roberta Patterson

Recently I was able to sit down with HCKOC’s Honorary Member, RobertaPatterson. What a privilege. This lady is a wealth of information.

I had a few questions for her to answer, but the chat that happened in between was so delightful, and the time was too short.

1. When did the HCKOC start?

the best guess is sometime in the 1940’s

2. When did you join HCKOC?

I became involved with the club in the spring of 1969, and joined in 1970.

3. Why did you join the club?

Hub City was the really active and well rounded club, It has always expanded in events.

4. What positions have you held with the club?

I was the Obedience director, but have never been on the executive.

5. What has been the biggest change over the years?

The creation of 2 shows per day

6. What do you recall as the highest club membership, or the lowest?

The highest has to be around 50, with the lowest around 20. In 2003, the president passed away suddenly, the club was in chaos and membership was low. We then had an influx of members that really saved it.

7. What is your favorite thing about the club?

The socialization

8. Why have you stayed for the 50 years?

Nothing better to do !!!!

9. How have the dogs changed over the years?

Designer dogs are new

10. What breed of dogs do you own, and have owned?

Saluki – Iroki Kennel.

Started with a Collie cross when young, then a Sheltie, and then Saluki.

11. What is one of your most prominent memories of being in the club?

John Ross asked me to help him as a ring steward with the Cocker Spaniels. It was very complicated, as there were so many classes to this breed. John was called away and I was left trying to figure it all out on my own. After that, all stewarding seems easy.

12. How many of your dogs have, or have had titles?

All of them, of one kind or another

During our chat many great stories came out. Here are just a few:

In the early years, Robbie taught Utility, and sometimes her only resource was a book, no one taught her, and no one else was teaching it. She was in charge of planning lessons, and classes. Lots of learning was on the fly. Interestingly enough, she taught another honorary member, Verna. These first lessons took place in the old stadium on the Prairieland Park grounds, on the 2nd floor.

Her first Saluki came from John and Lynn Ross. They had a litter, but Robbi thought they wanted too much for the puppies. So John sold her one for half price, $50.00, because he had a curled tail. This Saluki, Jay, failed 17 open obedience trials in a row. At the 18th trial, Robbi knew he failed again, but due to a judge error, he got his CD. After that, he started to pass his Obedience. Jay was the first Saluki to earn his CDX title in Canada.

Roberta has had 17 Saluki’s. These are the ones she has kept, and do not include litters she has bred. These dogs have come from as far away as England, and currently she has 2 in her household. She has won a BIS, with her bitch Feebie, and has always tried to stay true to her own breeding and likes.

If you have a chance to have a coffee or even a phone chat with Robbie, you won’t regret it. And you will come away so glad you did.

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